8 Benefits Of Identifying Your Purpose

How do we begin to navigate the dynamics of purpose? Who is it for and what does it mean? Let’s understand its benefits and how to discover it.

Living Purposefully.

Your purpose is a package deal. And I wish I could say it’s just a little this or that. But no, it’s not.

It’s everything!

Some people spend their lives searching for their life’s purpose. Others are lucky enough to find it at an early age.

Simply put, if you’re not living your purpose, you’re wasting away on the wrong path.

Your purpose is the reason you are on planet earth. That unique assignment only you can fulfill. It’s your mission and goal in life.

The inner burning fire within that brings meaning to your existence.

Who Is Purpose For?

Purpose is for you. Anyone and everyone.

Everyone has a purpose in life. What’s yours? If you didn’t yet find it, here are a few pointers.- It bubbles inside of you, energizes you, and puts a smile on your face.

Your purpose is unique to you. Others around you may not understand it and that’s fine. You may not fully understand it either when you start out but as you journey along you’ll become best of buddies with your purpose.

Benefits Of Identifying Your Purpose

  • Introduces you to yourself and the world.
  • Helps you focus your energy.
  • Helps you eliminate distraction.
  • Points you in your unique direction.
  • Keeps you committed and daring.
  • Fuels you.
  • Fulfills you.
  • Frees you to be your authentic self.

ACTION Steps You Can Begin Today.

How do you discover your life’s purpose?…

Fortunately, there are several ways to find your purpose in life. It isn’t a one size fits all. It may be a combination of a couple setting your light bulb off.

Your answers to the following questions will guide you.

What makes you mad? (That’s so intolerable.)

You just can’t digest or ignore it when faced with it. This maybe your purpose. Finding a solution /cure for this particular thing.

What keeps you up at night and wakes you up at the crack of dawn?

This could swing either way; –  exciting or anxious. You just can’t wait to get to it. It steals your sleep or plays your music.

What’s that thing you know the world should do differently?

You believe this ought to be better and different. Perhaps you have some scattered ideas and routes to put in place.

What’s that thing you naturally gravitate towards?

Take inventory of your interest. Hobbies or habits.

What’s that thing you’re most complimented for?

People often compliment you on this. Perhaps you never acknowledge it. You belittle it or think it’s over-rated.

Where do you/wish to donate your Time, Money, or Talent?

Where you willingly volunteer your time, money and talent says a lot about you.

Surround Yourself With Positive People.

Positive people often point you in the right direction. Consciously or unconsciously. They sometimes open up your perspective.

Start Conversations With New People.

Open up yourself to learning and new ideas. You just may discover a wealth of knowledge beckoning you in the right direction.

Write it down– I suggest you keep a mini journal along the way. Once you’ve evaluated or established your space.

Make a plan– Making a plan need not be complicated. Just simple baby steps on how to move forward.

Get help – a mentor, sponsor, coach, etc.

Other pockets -friendly methods include

-Reading books.

-Watching intentional programs

-Partaking in webinars

-Listening to podcasts

-Following mentors.


Your purpose is your glory.

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